An Introduction to Finite Automata
Finite Automata Finite automata are used to recognize patterns. It takes the string of symbols as input and changes its state accordingly. When the desired symbol is found, then the transition occurs. At the time of transition, the automata can either move to the next state or stay in the same state. Finite automata have two states, Accept state or Reject state . When the input string is processed successfully, and the automata reached its final state, then it will accept. Formal Definition of FA A finite automaton is a collection of 5-tuple (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F), where: Q: finite set of states ∑: finite set of the input symbol q0: initial state F: final state δ: Transition function Finite Automata Model: Finite automata can be represented by input tape and finite control. Input tape: It is a linear tape having some number of cells. Each input symbol is placed in each cell. Finite control: The finite control decides the next state on receiving particular input from input